Saturday, November 26, 2011

sibling saga episode 666

Fear not! Football may have been ditched by fickle fans in favour of cricket as the weather warms up, but the sororal competition continues unabated.

Followers of this blog may be interested to learn the pathology report for The Other’s recently removed knob-oma came back with a disappointingly indeterminate ‘envenomated’. The absence of proof that The Other’s bite was definitely caused by a redback may not entitle The Other’s sister to her husband’s Ka-Ching, but it has still left her with a wide but knowing grin on her dial.

My lovely Aunt Fruitcake has made her annual trip south for the summer, arriving in Frankston today. Coincidentally, The Other’s sister is also at Frankston while her hubby –aka Spiderman – recovers from knee surgery in a local horse’s piddle.

Naming names – while changing names to protect the innocent – let us now christen The Other “Daisy” and her younger sister “Geranium”.
Aunt Fruitcake’s two daughters are, in a different order of preference, named “Geranium” and “Daisy”.

Tonight, Geranium Other suggested to Aunt Fruitcake that Geranium must be Aunt’s favourite name if she named her first daughter Geranium rather than Daisy.
To this, Aunt Fruitcake replied that it was Uncle Fruitcake who had liked the name Geranium, while she had given her favourite name – Daisy – to her second daughter.

What’ll it be customers, KA-CHING or OUCH?


  1. I vote for OUCH! it has a certain KA-CHING about it :-).

  2. I'll go the ouch too. What lovely weather we have turned on for Aunt Fruitcake.

  3. Not sure whether Aunt brought the weather with her, Andrew, or has simply lucked out. Fortunately, she is stuck indoors and bored and stumbled upon a basket full of unironed ironing. [Strange what some people think of as fun.]
    As for scores, I'm beginning to think Geranium deserves a Ka-Ching as well as an ouch, if only for sheer cheek. Nothing for The Other, but a KCMG [kindly call me god] for Aunt - and a ka-ching for the ironing.
