Saturday, August 31, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
everybody does it
When a TV reporter or other public figure looks awkward it's often because they don't know what to do with their hands.
ABC journalists have noticed Rudd uses a variety of gestures.
What's a "bommyknocker?", I wondered after looking at the Rudd Gesture Report.
Seems there are lots of "interesting" definitions, but this is probably one of the few any ABC person would use publicly:
This is a rod with a weighted knob at one end. It was carried tucked up inside the sleeve so that if you were assaulted you could loosen your hold on the knob and the weight would slide it down out of the sleeve so you could grasp it by the other end (smaller knob) and swing the weighted end to hit the assailant.
This is a rod with a weighted knob at one end. It was carried tucked up inside the sleeve so that if you were assaulted you could loosen your hold on the knob and the weight would slide it down out of the sleeve so you could grasp it by the other end (smaller knob) and swing the weighted end to hit the assailant.
Of course, Rudd did not invent the art of gesture - everyone has a gesture or two up their sleeve;
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
i don't think these are dubbed
Tony Windsor – Aug 2012
homelessness – 4 corners 2010
pharmaceutical benefits scheme and asbestos – from 2007
election campaign
Sunday, August 25, 2013
which door would you like? asked the devil*
The introduction of above the line voting in 1984 seriously
reduced whatever influence voters might be thought to have. It sucks, and was a
cynical alternative to any kind of optional preferential voting.
By now, some of you will be aware the Victorian Senate paper
will have to show the names of a record number of candidates. Because the
maximum size of the paper is fixed, the names of candidates will be so small that
voting booths will be equipped with magnifiers. This state of affairs lends a
whole new meaning to the caveat that we should always read the fine print in
any contract.
Above the line voting – an option used by around 95% of
voters - is much simpler, but results in preferences flowing according to
registered group tickets. The details of these preference deals are available to voters but
complex and rarely consulted. Even I, possibly obsessive about the strength
weakness of democracy in Australia ,
have never bothered to delve too deeply into the details of preference deals
[But then, that may simply be because I'm one of the 5% who
insist on numbering every square. It doesn't bother me that I have to hog a
booth for three hours while I check and re-check my ballot paper.]
In Victorian Upper House elections, a numbered ballot is
considered formal if it has at least 10 candidates numbered in a proper
sequence – preferences are required, but numbering every single box is not.
In Federal Elections, both above the line and below the line
systems have, in theory at least, a validation effect on results. Even if the
person nominated by me below the line as the least desirable is elected, I
might ultimately contribute in some degree to their success. Above the line
voting also means that the allocation of undesirable preferences legitimises
results, creating the impression that a candidate has voter approval.
The only way to show disappointment with the calibre of
candidates is to vote informal, with the informal vote then dismissed as an
indication of voter incompetence rather than disaffection.
In 1984, when Peter Garrett represented the Nuclear
Disarmament Party, he had ten percent of the primary vote in NSW but failed to
get elected. This result is attributable solely to preference horse-trading for above the line votes – in other words, to
the manipulation of votes.
During this 2013 election campaign, both Rudd and Abbott are
pooh-poohing the notion that independents have any place in a parliament. Both
claim that they will not do deals to take power if their party is not a clear
victor in this election. This spits on the Constitutional and Traditional rule that the Prime Minister should be the person who has the confidence of the
House. The claim they will not do deals is blatant hypocrisy: Both major parties will be using the flow of
above the line preferences as a major strategy in their efforts to gain office,
and to influence who else, not in their own party, will be in the house after
the election.
The last election result has shown that it is possible an
independent representative can have power outside the party system. It is
possible for people to elect a representative willing to put their own
electorate's needs and concerns before party politics. It need not be the case
that blue ribbon seats will always be neglected because
parties don't see them as a priority.
The influence of independents could grow as the parties become increasingly undifferentiated, but this will depend on what voters think were the pluses and minuses of having Julia cobble together a workable government.
Again, the changes in 1984 seem designed to limit the chances of any
independent even getting their deposit back. "Ungrouped" independents
are invariably slotted onto the paper on the extreme right hand margin. If
someone does not 'come to the party', so to speak, they are usually fighting a
losing battle.
Should anyone insist that this election is not about
personalities as much as policies, I would strongly disagree. Whatever the
policies of each party might be, on major issues the parties are largely
One thing Rudd has said which does highlight a difference –
and he deserves some credit for having the guts to be honest about his own
plans – is that the Liberal Coalition refuses to say what it proposes to cut to
meet the cost of its own pork-barrelling and its stated intention to quickly
balance the budget.
On balance, the bundles of policies offered by each of the major
parties – so far as we can know what these policies are – scare the crap out of
In personality terms, I'm not sure Rudd would maintain the
confidence of his own party for long; I am sure the Rabbit is an incoherent walking
gaffe on wheels [in lycra]; and I'm absolutely certain that the idea of Joe
Hockey representing my country to anyone is ulcer-inducing.
In 1984 I repeatedly heard people collecting how to vote
cards state that they were voting for Peter Garrett [even though he was not a
candidate in Victoria ].
The reason they gave, repeatedly, was that he had the cojones to say what he thinks and this was quite refreshing in
politics. The issue of nuclear disarmament itself seemed a total non-issue.
At other elections, I have repeatedly heard people ask how
they can vote for Fred Nerks, or Joe Bloggs. This is not a criticism of their level
of understanding of [or even interest in] the electoral process, I'm simply
making a point that personality is everything for a large proportion of voters. [I
will happily concede that personal anecdotes are proof of nothing, and that I
might simply be suffering confirmation bias.]
I don't pretend to know of any solution to these or a
hundred other vexing things about our system of government. Really, I'm just
venting a deep seated feeling of impotence, and wishing there were some way voters
could show a level of disaffection that no politician could deny. Above the
line voting and mandatory completion of an entire paper below the line, however, are both
designed to conceal the level of disaffection, not reveal it.
*I dreamt I died and [everybody say oooh with a disappointed
tone] was sent straight to hell without collecting $200.
The devil was waiting to greet me, and asked me which door I
would like to stay behind for all eternity; door 1, door 2, or door 3?
His manner was friendlier and less evil than I'd expected as
he offered to give me a peek behind each door before I made my final decision.
Behind door 1 there was no fire or brimstone, simply a crowd
of people standing in a waist high pool of ka-ka.
Behind door 2, another crowd of people, only they were
standing up to their necks in ka-ka.
It surprised me when I saw that behind door 3, although the
pile of ka-ka was significantly more malodorous than behind the other 2 doors,
the mess was only ankle deep. No surprise, then, that the crush of people
behind door 3 was huge.
I quickly opted for door 3 and a few seconds later found
myself in amongst the door 3 crowd. While I scanned the sea of faces to see who
was or wasn't there, a whistle blew and then an announcement came over a
loudspeaker: "Okay, break's over, back on your heads, everyone."
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Stop worrying about whether or not you are a bogan, and just
take the test anyway. At least you'll know one way or the other and can stop
worrying about it.
I only mention this because the latest ABC gem I've
discovered online is a comedy called Upper Middle Bogan.
If you haven't seen it you might get a laugh – episode 1 was
still available today [24th].
Cast includes Robyn Nevin, Michala Banas, and Glenn Robbins.
Robyn Malcolm [Julie Wheeler] is sooooo like Deborra-Lee
Furness it's uncanny.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
key non-boat issue #1 - mental health
Warning you up front that this is a highly subjective post, here's my take on just one of the many election non-issues that makes me mad:
I've not read the
recently released Obsessive Hope Disorder
–a report into 30 years of Mental Health policies.
I know, I know… if I
want to crap on about this topic I should read it first but, well, as an older
fart in a stuffed economy I'm reluctant to shell out $66 for the lower-priced e-version
– there are cheaper ways for me to induce sleep only to wake up feeling crappy.
The summary version of the report [7 pdf pages] highlights the following:
In The Age [20 Aug]
Prof McGorry argues:
has made important progress in the past 30 years, but that momentum has died.
The main changes have been closing asylums and bringing the treatment of mental
illness into the mainstream health system…
We have replaced the 19th Century models of care with a seriously
under-done, under-funded and actually quite stagnant first pass at
mainstreaming mental health care…"
From the Liberal Party's
All this EPPIC /
headspace stuff sounds new, doesn't it?
What's it mean
What it means is set out on the current government's Department of
Health and Aging Website and dated May 2013:
"The successful headspace National
Youth Mental Health Foundation will deliver the last remaining element of the
Federal Government’s $2.2 billion national mental health reform plan – early
psychosis youth services (EPPIC).
to deliver nine early psychosis youth
services across all states and territories…
Initially, four ‘hubs’ will be
established, building to nine over a three year period, with at least one
located in each state and territory. The initial four sites will be located in:
western Sydney ; south-east Melbourne ;
western Adelaide ; and north-east Perth , with two to be up
and running by 1 July. [the rest within 3
“These sites will act as service ‘hubs'
“These sites will act as service ‘hubs'
24 hour home based care and assessment;
community education and awareness programs; easy access to acute and sub-acute
services; continuing care case management; mobile outreach; medical and
psychological interventions; functional recovery, group, family and peer
support programs; workforce development; and youth participation."
The Liberal policy continues:"better employment opportunities to those with serious mental health issues…"
Deranged laughter is
better than none; I'm sure it still produces enough dolphins to elevate my spirits.
Last year, my shrink
filled out a form stating I have a mental illness. Some Sennalink employee - who
did not bother to let me know if she had any qualifications or what they might
be – deemed I would be able to work at least 15 hours per week. [If only I could find 15 hours guaranteed work per
Why am I cynical
about the Sennalink assessment of my mental illness? The earlier experience of
an in-law told me all I need to know:
Let me be blunt, the guy stands
weird, thinks weird, behaves weird and does weird. He can't drive, but as a
passenger in a car he is the world's best GPS. Go down the side of a side road
off a minor road off a major road anywhere in Victoria and he'll not only know
the name of the road, but how to get there, how to get back from there, it's
name, when it was named and how the name was chosen.
"You couldn't possibly
have Asperger's", concluded a Sennalink employee, "you have no
trouble at all looking me in the eye."
However, as TO was
not yet last year officially an OAP but was [and still is] bringing home the
bacon, there were only two reasons for subjecting myself to this humiliation:
- to get a health
care card of the Newstart variety
- to only be
required to turn up at one of those ridiculous police state-shuns
employment services twice a week to keep my card.
The HCC saves me a
bucket on non-PBS prescriptions.
I cannot tell a lie; I was deliberately working the system. To be honest, though, having someone semi-literate "fix" my CV while saying for the 5 millionth time "anyone can get a job if they really want one" probably wouldn't inspire confidence in many long-term unemployed people.
[I don't know where she's working now that the service she worked for has lost it's contract, but I'm sure she quickly got a good job because her attitude is so positive.
Karma's only a bitch if you are one.]
I wasn't applying
for a disability pension; no one in their right mind could afford to / would
voluntarily become a "bludger".
The blogosphere is awash with stories of how parents and children deal with Aspergers in the context of education
I do still have regular
meltdowns [less severe now that I've finally got some help] but I'm fortunate enough to be surrounded by extraordinarily caring and supportive people
at home.
This post is
certainly not all about me:
about the many varieties of dementia?
about those who are homeless as a result of mental illness [now that we've
closed all of those inhumane asylums].
about those who are born with or acquire a brain injury?
about the families who suffer violence at the hands of children /siblings during
psychotic episodes?
about the social problems caused by those with mental illness who
I could go on … as
some of you may have noticed… but the whole thing is too sickening.
Perhaps this example
of a single amalgamated job description says it all:
The Hon Mark Butler MP,
Minister for Mental Health and Ageing, Minister for Social Inclusion, Minister
Assisting the Prime Minister on Mental Health Reform, Minister for Housing and
Monday, August 19, 2013
promises shmomishes
Politics is often a dirty business, but now the Ruddster is talking up the idea of politicians having consciences! Well, he only mentions consciences in the context of voting, and only on one issue, really.
It's an important issue. Probably not the most important issue, but what with the conscience bizzo and all, it's an interesting one.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
2013 election round-up part 3
Had planned to be biased about each "party"* in
turn, and was disappointed so many had beaten me to the juxtaposition of Norman
Gunston's shaving cuts with photos of the tweetmeister's face. Serendipitously,
the following image was drawn to my attention:
*BTW is "political party" an oxymoron or what!
Friday, August 16, 2013
2013 election round-up 2
[Some of the things I saw after googling "image abbott speedos" have scarred me for life. People can be awfully creative with Photoshop.]
Thursday, August 15, 2013
yet another trip north, part 3
We took
TO's mum [MIL] out for lunch, to the Commercial Club Carvery. She pushed the
food around on her plate, confirming a suspicion that as parents age they
reverse roles with their children. MIL had always had a healthy appetite, but I
suspect she is, like Aunty E, becoming a bit tired of late.
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Aunty E and TO's mum on a picnic last year |
TO had a
tiny portion of something [the lap banding works], while I might have said I
ate like a pig had I not seen the people around me taking advantage of the
all-you-can-eat rules. At least I only take a small taste of those things I
like… one snow pea and a small button mushroom from one salad and, oh, look, is
there anything as yummy as a small piece of burnt baked pumpkin?
At the
next table, a chap who didn't look overly huge hoed into three - count them,
three - heaped plates of roast, fried rice and an assortment of other not so
goodies. These he followed with three plates overloaded with pav, ice-cream,
sponge, lemon meringue, on and on.
He came
second in the race, only to his son? at least 160kg, who ate much more,
garnishing each of his first three meals with a couple of slices of pizza.
older, smaller chap coughed and ahemmed relentlessly throughout. How does
someone who eats so much so fast stay so thin?
TO, not
admitted to the school of medicine at the age of 41 because the cut-off age was
then 40, is a frustrated GP at heart.
explanation of the smaller, older man’s appetite and size was sad.
As it
says in the Gaviscon ad, if symptoms persist see your doctor.
fingernails had become Guinness World Record talons: A community volunteer visits
the Jindera hostel at regular intervals, painting the nails of female residents.
It’s a great thing to do, but perhaps she is prevented from trimming or cutting
because she lacks a TAFE certificate and/or personal liability insurance.
TO cut
her mum’s nails back quite a bit, but is not a manicurist and they were still
too long, but after TO's attempt they were rough as well.
MIL was
always proud of her appearance and, if the photos are anything to go by,
deservedly so.
Day 2 in
Albury, we packed her into the car and headed off for Centro Lavington where
the local nail franchise people pampered MIL enormously.
Her nails
were trimmed again [twice], Mrs Marshed, filed, buffed and cleaned, and her
cuticles pushed back. Her wrists and fingers were massaged. Lacquer was applied
to her nails, then two coats of polish in the colour she chose, and more
cost, $25.
![]() |
Uncle D, TO, and TO's mum last week [couldn't find a picture of a camera to hide TO's face] |
If baby
boomers are ageing, their parents are heading towards ancient.
At what
point should we stop actively intervening when there are major health issues?
For me, this is not a dollar issue – the health of oldies is a reasonable
investment if the active intervention is warranted.
certainly hard to assess someone else's quality of life when we can't read
their mind. TO puts a lot of energy into finding ways to enjoy time with her
mother while she can. With the manicure it was about the journey and feeling special,
not the pretty pink nails at the destination.
MIL does
not remember visits, but she still seems to enjoy them.
years ago I worked with a woman [mid-thirtyish] who went to visit her
grandmother twice a day at the local hostel. Someone criticised her,
saying it was ridiculous to visit all the time when her grandmother had no idea
who she was.
I know who she is," my workmate replied.
It was a
nice thing to overhear.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
yet another trip north, part 2
In the
same hostel at Jindera where TO’s mum lives, Aunty E resides across the hall.
Her parents and TO’s grandparents were firm and fast friends, with the next two
generations following.
![]() |
I think these are Aunty E's gran and mum [don't ask me why these photos are even on my pc I've no idea] |
On the
downhill slide to 101, E has become quite frail, though she remains relatively
unconfused. It’s hard to believe just 3 years ago she was still living
independently, growing vegies, doing her own washing, and feeding the family
horses every day.
I go looking for her when we are visiting TO's mum, but increasingly find her asleep when I pop in to try and say hello.
other people’s problems, and bugger the pies – my greatest disappointment every
time I meet up with Aunty E is that she has been stone deaf for years.
She and
her husband were committed communists at a time when the world was a big unknown, except for common ideals. They were by no means committed to Stalinism, just
to decent values in a world struggling with an Imperial War and its aftermath,
followed by the dreadful, extended economic depression in Australia .
Somewhere, she has a stash of scrapbooks full of newspaper cuttings, letters to editors and more that constitute a living history of her husband's political activism.
Aunty E has
always been an avid reader of non-fiction, and taken a great interest in the
world and what makes it tick. During an extended stay at Franger a few years
ago it was exciting to have someone about who was actually interested in
reading some of my own weird assortment of books. We managed to communicate
with regular shouting matches, but I can’t imagine how isolated her deafness
has made her feel over the years.
I would
give up pies forever if only I could sit and really chew the fat with Aunty E
for a while. She is tired, but always smiling, never complaining, and she still
gives great hugs.
Seriously, I think so highly of her that I've even forgiven her for giving birth to five sons who are all Collingwood supporters.
yet another trip north, part 1
We stayed
at Lovell's motel in Corowa last Thursday night. It's a rather old but clean,
comfy and rather cheap motel. Most rooms have a kitchenette, so it was bacon
and eggs for brekky, then off to visit TO's Uncle D, 84 years old.
At the
moment he's doing well in his ongoing battle with prostate cancer, but recently
had a horrible shock when one of his daughters collapsed in the main drag of Corowa and
was dead a week later. Apparently she'd been suffering with liver cancer for
yonks and it was way beyond metastasised.
No one
knew; she was always visiting people and running messages for others, never
once mentioning feeling seedy.
R, on hearing about her sister, set out from Melbourne
to say goodbye only to get a call herself somewhere near Wang, to say her own husband had, a few
hours before, been killed in a road accident.
When shit
like this visits people in bucket loads, I can hear my own grandmother say
"He must have killed a Chinaman in a previous life". [Got to blame
someone, why not the Chinese?]
out J's house, Uncle D has been shocked even further. J had had a touch of the
family Aspergers, and was one of those extreme hoarders that fascinate me so on
pay TV docos about hoarding. [50 is the new 40, water the new oil, and Asperger's
the new depression?].
Asperger's is just a name we can finally use to gain insight into some of the odd
behaviour on various branches and twigs of TO’s family tree. The hoarding thing
- not necessarily something that afflicts everyone with Asperger's - should be
a good hint in this family… now that we know. But I digress.
The house
was chockers, dangerously so, and the dirt and dust and grief have exacerbated Uncle
D's asthma badly. He'd filled two skips with rubbish before the housing
commission finally stepped in and said they would take over - someone was
desperately waiting for accommodation and they could do the job quicker.
TO had
been unable to visit people because of her pneumonia and bugs, and had missed
her own mum's 92nd birthday. We took Uncle D across to Jindera to
visit TO’s mum, [his big sister] grabbing some pies and cakes from the bakery
to share lunch together in the hostel dining room.
other people's issues like cancer and death - I was disappointed with my pie! I'm
not a great eater of pies, but mine had dried out for a week in the pie warmer
from what I could see, and someone had tipped a packet of salt into it before
putting the pastry lid on. I take back all the nice things I've ever said about
Jindera pies.
After lunch
at the hostel, TO pulled out lots of hitherto unseen old family photos. She'd
recently met yet another bunch of cousins through Ancestry dot com [I keep
wanting to call it Amazon.]
photos are good for jogging TO’s mum’s long term memory, and distracting her
from her confusion. It also gave Uncle D and TO’s mum a chance to discuss some
elephants in the rooms of their past: Uncle D's story reads like Albert Facey's
A Fortunate Life, and the photos
prompted TO’s mum to help him fill in some gaps.
Yet what a lovely man Uncle D is, with not an ounce of bitterness about any of it.
![]() |
Another photo of TO's grandmother.
Monday, August 12, 2013
is it really corporatocracy that’s killing democracy?
Okay, I
stole the title from an interesting article in The Age, where Beryl Langer suggests we may have freedom of speech, but no one is really listening.
you are as torn as I am between a feeling that I must make the best of the
democracy we have, and a sick feeling that this might be an onerous obligation.
Beryl’s article is interesting [i.e. I agree with her] but why bother reading when seeing is believing?
Let me
try and make this election period as painless as possible for you, by offering you all the
important, must-see moments.
At least you can
be confident I am not biased.
really: Trust me.
What have
you got to lose?
That James Diaz clip
Seriously, if they’re increasing company tax to fund parental leave at a rate way above the minimum wage, it’s just as well they’re also going to reduce company tax.
Let’s be
fair, there is a plan;
remarks in that debate 11 Aug 2013
This is a
long clip. Suggest you start about 6.30 in, but don’t blink or you’ll miss it.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
give‘m the boot?
general response to Mr Rabbit’s boot camp suggestion has been as negative as
the “man” who made it.
current solution to subsidised unemployment - should the Clayton’s social support system
SennaLink not manage to deter those in search of help – is the volunteer
bullshit. This is complemented by government contracted advice from
semi-literate fascists that we need help preparing CVs, and that anyone who really wants a job can find one.
No matter how good or bad Rabbit's idea might be, the current approach doesn’t build anyone up, it white ants them by denying their reality.
There are
too many reality TV shows providing images and stories about spoilt brats
[usually in the U.S. ]
who need a foot up the Khyber being sent to boot camps. They are based on the
same model as all those tired post-war movies of GIs having their self-esteem
shattered and their personality stripped away so they can then be moulded into
willing cannon fodder.
If this is Rabbit's version of a boot camp [and one assumes so as his idea of popular policy is necessarily negative] heaven help the tired and poor.
the greatest problem with suggestions like this one is that they are presented
as half-baked ideas without an ounce of detail.
Some youth might actually
benefit from having their personality nourished and some self-esteem built up.
might actually be achieved if the “camp”
provides an environment where they are neither attacked personally by dysfunctional, incompetent parents/adult figures, nor given a whole heap of vacuous praise for
totally insignificant pseudo-achievements.
Let’s get
over our obsession with specialising people out of jobs, or replacing people
with “more efficient” technology.
meter reader jobs with “smart meters”, for example, is only efficient if the
definition of efficient is controlled by dickheads who don’t care about people - by dickheads who don't factor humans into their "bottom line".
Fair suck
of the dingo’s donger, China ,
let’s tweet give the poor buggers something worthwhile to do, and the
guidance and tools they need to do it. Call it what you will, but don't put the boot in.
who sez?
respect to asylum seekers some people, politicians and voters alike, are failing
to separate the boat issue from the obligation to protect people from genocide
and the like.
Who sez
the candidates or the media should frame debate in such a limited way?
Rudd’s goal is to create a disincentive to boat
travel. It is an admirable goal, but his solution is not the best. PNG may well
be a threat from our own privileged
and more informed viewpoint, but to those who are desperate, PNG is a chance
because it is a relative unknown. It certainly fails the protection test.
As for Mr
Rabbit’s solution – getting the navy to get tough is downright impractical and
innately stupid. Perhaps Joe Hockey’s bellicosity is even more infectious than
I had already feared.
As much
as I disliked Gillard, she had one idea in common with Malcolm Fraser, in that
she felt for people who lacked the means to travel by boat.
has recently reminded us of his response to the fall of Saigon :
We must create a queue.
We must
create a queue because for many people the reality is that there currently is
promise of a queue and the expectation people must wait their turn might
provide a disincentive to boat travel, but its greatest virtue is it will
remove the inequity inherent in placing the richest refugees here, before
placing those without the means to beg, borrow or steal a boat ticket.
created a queue – e.g. with a “local branch” in Indonesia - let’s take people from a
far wider range of camps to provide a more balanced and diverse intake.
Rudd, your ‘solution’ sounds as desperate as the Malaysia solution, the only
difference being that you did your homework first.
Greens, it has been said, can afford to have more generous policies because
there is no practical way they will ever have the means to implement them nor
will they ever be held to account for them.
notion that we should provide 30,000 people in one year with temporary visas
and the right to work is utterly over the top.
the government-dictated definitions of unemployment – there is a 15%
unemployment rate already amongst current citizens. We don’t need the
On the
other hand, Human Nature will always prevail. Where people do not have the right to work, a black
market of one sort or another will emerge.
markets by definition contribute nothing to tax revenue.
I’m torn
between concern for myself as a jobseeker, and concern for what is morally
desirable for refugees, but Human Nature will always prevail. I can’t help but
feel that currently offered government policies must, to some degree, create a divide between “us”
and “them”.
There, I’ve
outed the elephant.
No I do
not propose that we stop taking anyone in, but that we get our act together and
start planning realistically for asylum seeking as a fact of life, and planning
realistically for a higher population density, and planning to let people do
jobs that might not be high tech but which benefit society as a whole.
The date
for the bollocks ballot has been set at September 7. The only thing I
know for sure is that I will be signing up to vote early, or vote by post. None
of these nongs is worth queuing up to vote for.
Friday, August 2, 2013
tip top health tips
Rule 1
ever let your private health insurance lapse. You may well find yourself
homeless as a result of the high cost involved, but at least you’ll get a free
bed [eventually] if you need one.
Rule 2
If you
must get sick, do so during business hours.
Rule 3
Emergency Departments on Saturday nights.
Rule 4
If you
ignore rules 2 and 3 above, adopt the aggressive and abusive behaviour of
someone suffering a drug and alcohol induced psychosis. You will be strapped
down onto a bed quicker than you can say “Sectioned”.
worry – you live in Australia ,
not England .
It is rare for anyone to be sectioned here, whether they need it or want it or
Rule 5
Go to the opening of every envelope or fridge possible, and build medical
Rule 6
When you
feel dangerously ill, try to get an ambulance. If you do manage to get an
ambulance, do your darndest to convince ambos you need urgent medical care. If
you go to hospital by ambulance this can save up to 8 hours in the ED waiting
room. Sure, you’ll be stuck in an ambulance for four hours waiting for a bed,
but at least you will be bedded down and cared for while you wait.
shifty person I know was recently gasping for air and looking deathly pale. The
ambos arrived and quickly administered oxygen. She never stopped talking the
whole time they waited for the oxygen to help – sneaky or what? Still looked
like crap when it was time for them to make a decision!]
Rule 7
Don’t get
old. If you are both sick and old all of your answers to medical questions will
be dismissed as the whining of someone with an irritating personality.
Rule 8
Once you
have been triaged into an ED bed, as you wait, and wait, and then wait some
more for someone to actually attend to you, do not try to work out the rank,
name or serial number of any hospital staff. Doctors, Div 1 Nurses, Div 2
Nurses and PCAs wear a mixed assortment of scrubs and uniforms that make no
sense at all.
Rule 9
If you
are a nurse yourself, don’t make the mistake of asking the crabby woman playing
with a pc if she is a nurse. She will
assume your name is Jan and let you know in no uncertain terms that she is not
waiting to be seen by a doctor, do not
watch Nurse Ratshit. If you do you will notice that she can seal a full sharps
container, go fetch an empty container, fiddle with a pc, rearrange desk
furniture, remove used kidney dishes and other paraphernalia, take patients to
the toilet, open and close curtains, put rubbish in a pedal bin by lifting the
lid with her hands, fetch steps for patients to climb in and out of bed, pick
her nose and more but not sanitize or wash her hands once.
Try not
to laugh nervously [or with delight] when the young man with piercings in the
next bed finally gets sick of being ignored. He will stand up and assertively
tell Nurse Ratshit in a Wesley College accent that he arrived 6 hours ago, was
told to go to a GP, gave the GP $85 only to be told by said GP to go to the ED
at the nearest hospital where he was dumped in the “malingerers’ ward”, and has
since been ignored for 5 hours. He won’t raise his voice or use one rude word –
except ‘shit”, and then only once – but when he says he is checking himself out
and going home Nurse Ratshit will seize on this decision as proof there is
nothing wrong with him.
waiting in the malingerers’ ward, use your contacts [see Rule 5] to organise
your own private hospital bed as early as possible, and have a chat with the
specialist under whose care you propose to be admitted to the private hospital.
Grovel to
Nurse Ratshit whose nose you so innocently got up earlier [before she picked it] and pray a doctor will see you before
midnight. After midnight a doctor will be reluctant to call your nominated
specialist [see rule 12] to see if said specialist will really accept you as a private
hospital patient.
Treat any
suggestions you will be sent for imaging by ED staff with suspicion [i.e.
stifle the urge to treat the suggestion with derision]. Should a trip to an
imaging section actually happen, pray you will be returned to the malingerers’
ward before midnight [see rule 13 above].
If a
doctor finally agrees to refer you to the care of the rule 12 specialist, ask
him/her to cancel the patient transport he has just arranged – you could die
before it arrives. Hitch a ride with a friend/partner or crawl, if necessary,
to your nominated private hospital. If you can’t crawl, run.
arrival in the safe haven of a private hospital, let the rule 12 specialist
examine you, listen to you, and send you for imaging him/herself, because the
public hospital will rarely have any results from their own imaging.
God you will be given a bed further from the car park than any other bed in the
whole hospital. God knows, your partner probably needs the exercise.
If you
really do have pneumonia and a collapsed lung, preparing for a week in hospital
will require quick – albeit serial – thinking. You will need someone to fetch
clean jim-jams, slippers, dressing gown, a pen, reading glasses, a book, a
mobile phone so you can ring home and give Aunty yet another list of the things
you need, the charger for your mobile phone, a full range of toiletries and
hand creams, a supply of plastic shopping bags, and your iPad [with charger] to
take advantage of the free wi-fi.
You will
also be keen to provide clear instructions regarding everything extra hospitale from poo patrol* to checking
the post office box. Request a specific brand of lozenges and a supply of
tissues. [Apparently free wi-fi does not affect the private hospital’s bottom
line half so severely as the provision of tissues.]
Try to be
clear when giving instructions about who to ring and what to say to each of the
Rule 17
Do not
bother to watch any of the free movies available on demand. You will be
interrupted at some climactic moment and will never know who dunnit, how
dunnit, when dunnit or why.
Rule 18
At some
point you will need a visit from two schnauzers. It’s called pet therapy. Use
the little air available in two lobes of left lung to sneak out into the cold
night air of the car park and sit with them awhile.
It is
okay for dogs to sit on their own blanket in a pre-heated car on a cool night. If
you don’t believe me just ask them – ask them to get out of the car and go
inside any time in any weather and you will get the ‘no thanks I like it here
get out of my face’ stare.
Rule 19
Ask all
visitors and or staff members to take snaps of you with your iPad while you look as pathetic as you can - mask on face makes a great prop. Discuss the haute couture of your pyjama
collection on facebook.
If you
plan your visual storyboard well, you will be sent a bouquet of real flowers
from real friends in Germany .
Rule 20
wheedle and cajole with all the kitchen staff you’ve known for yonks until you
have half a dozen tiny serves of fruit salad for your visiting partner [each night].
Rule 21
When your
specialist tries to re-cannulate you, grimace for the camera and exclaim “Jesus
Christ!” in a blasphemously loud voice. Your specialist will be Jewish, and will
remind you that while Jesus was Jewish he was not the Messiah and so there is
no need to apologise for your outburst.
*the back yard. What, did you think I was Henry Plantagenet's groom of the stool in a previous life?
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