Tuesday, February 12, 2013

il papa pell?

Okay, so Benny the 16th is retiring. I trust Raph Epstein didn’t really want to ask, but what are the odds of Cardinal Pell becoming il numero uno?

66 to 1, according to some.

I’d like him to win. In fact, the odds are so great I’d consider slipping him some peptides. Not only would I get rich but Pell would become an ex-pat. Sounds like a win/win scenario to me.


  1. Yep. Pell out of Oz would be an improvement!

    1. And what's that saying? "The average IQ in both places would go through the roof"?

  2. I like the idea of Pell becoming pope too. With some first hand knowledge, couldn't we give him hell. Headline: Pope dragged back to Australia to testify at child abuse royal commission.

  3. Good point Andrew. he wouldn't last long though - his infamous EGO would explode his head. Ballarat would go mental and claim him as their own, when he was actually promoted out of here because nobody could stand him. maybe all the Vatican cardinals are the same sort of story.

  4. New Dictionary definition: 'Pell Mell' - Pope flees land of origin only to find past catching up. Sorry, that's the best I can do just before lunch in this heat ...

    1. If I were a teacher I would give you a "good try" stamp :)
      I can barely function on a good day, let alone when it's hot.

    2. And if I were a student I would try harder! But I'm not ...
